Opel EPC, chyba pri spusteni

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Opel EPC, chyba pri spusteni

Příspěvek od nero » 26 zář 2011, 20:42

Zdravim, mam taky progblem z nicoho nic mi nejde spustit EPC, pouzival som ho bez problemov a jedneho dna mi napise toto ked to chcem spustit, vid screen .

Kód: Vybrat vše

a neviem ako to opravit, reinstall nepomaha, pretoze ked som to instaloval postupom kt. bol na stranke :
1. We take the image, mount in any way, take out from it all.
1a. autorun.inf and setup.exe throw into the basket
2. Set GMGInfrastructure \ GMGInfrastructure.msi (Standartalone)
3. Set GMEApplication \ GMEApplication.msi
4. Set GMGLocalDB \ GMGLocalDB.msi
5. Set GMERomDB \ GMERomDB.msi
6. Open the Start menu and execute cmd.exe
and then in the DOS window, run 's TV turns three commands:
SET PATH = "C: \ Program Files \ Snap-on Business Solutions \ Global EPC \ GM \ jre1.6.0_02 \ bin";
cd "C: \ Program Files \ Snap-on Business Solutions \ Global EPC \ GM \ Configurator"
java-jar Configurator.jar
Before their execution must go to the root of drive C: by typing "cd \" without quotes of course, but with a space between cd and \
string takes the form C: \>
And then execute commands very carefully depending on what type or just copy from here. Hot keys in a DOS window Osovski not work, only the mouse.
7. Reboot your computer
8. Open IE and enter the address of the code: or (all different)
... And enjoy a fully working version EPC4

Tak vsetko mi islo, a zrazu to zblblo :/
Dik za help :)
Astra h 1,6 77Kw r. 2006, Mitsubishi ASX 1,6 86Kw r. 2015,


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Registrován: 14 čer 2009, 02:14
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Re: Opel EPC, chyba pri spusteni

Příspěvek od swabel » 26 zář 2011, 23:11

Odporucam pozriet toto vlakno az dokonca:
http://forum.opelclub.sk/viewtopic.php? ... &start=200
Insignia ST A20DTH OPC Line AT + Chip, VECTRA C CARAVAN Z19DTH AT - ex, VECTRA C GTS Z19DTH AT - ex , Zafira B OPC - ex, Astra H Caravan OPC Line 2 - ex
Diagnostika GM MDI, pal. PC, SECURITY CODE, RADIO CODE, info@opel-shop.sk, +421 915850900 OPEL-SHOP.SK
